January 31st, 2011 – Fountain

Canon EOS 550D, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II, 50mm, F 1.8, 1/4000s, ISO 100.

2 Responses to “January 31st, 2011 – Fountain”

  1. Mitch says:

    Hey Phil,
    I love this shot. works really well with the really fast shutter speed!
    I particularly like the way the right section of the image is filled with small spray particles, whereas the left side gets these wonderful, bold curves. Great stuff!

    Where abouts in sheffield is this fountain?


    • phil says:

      Hey matey.

      Thanks for the comment – glad you like it :)

      I took some more shots of the same fountain but I liked the way the wind affected the lower part of the water.

      It’s one of the fountains that surround the grass right in the centre of town, near the winter gardens.



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